General Information
- Lectures Instructor: Chi-Jen Wu (吳齊人)
- Section: Wed 15:10 - 17:00 & Thu 15:10 - 17:00
- Classroom: 電腦教室(二) and google meet
- Course Assistants: 蘇育豪 (M0929011 @, 吳皓晢 (M0929001 @
- Office Hour: slack
- Lecture Slides:
- Others:
- Your health matters.
- Feel free to stop by my office, I look forward to meeting and assisting you.
Info & Objectives
This is an introductory computer science course for CS undergraduate students. The students will get a big picture of computer science. The essential and fundamental technical principles in computer science including, basic knowledge about computer, data manipulation & abstraction, computer architecture, organization, software, operating system, database, network will be introduced. And the students will also gain the ability to solve problems with C/C++ using modern development tools, such as Google Cloud Platform, Google Cloud Shell Editor and Git repository.
This course is an introduction to computer science, with the emphasis on programming in the high level programming language C/C++. Topics include:
- Foundations of Computer Science:
- The Shapes of Computers Today
- Computer Organization
- Operating system
- Networking & The Internet
- Software Engineering
- Database Systems
- Artificial Intelligence
- Theory of Computation
- Google Cloud Platform/Cloud Shell Editor (gcc/g++/Makefile)
- Google Cloud Platform/Cloud Source Repositories (git)
- C/C++ Programming