General Information
- Lectures Instructor: Chi-Jen Wu (吳齊人)
- Section: Thu 13:10 - 16:00
- Classroom: 電腦教室(二) and google meet
- Teaching assistants: TBA
- Office Hour: slack
- Lecture Slides:
- Others:
- Your health matters.
- Feel free to stop by my office, I look forward to meeting and assisting you.
Info & Objectives
This is an introductory computer science course for CS undergraduate students. The students will get a big picture of computer science. The essential and fundamental technical principles in computer science including, basic knowledge about computer, data manipulation & abstraction, computer architecture, organization, software, operating system, database, network will be introduced. And the students will also gain the ability to solve problems with C/C++ using modern development tools, such as Cloud Editor (online compiler) and Git/Github repository.
This course is an introduction to computer science, with the emphasis on programming in the high level programming language C/C++. Topics include:
- Foundations of Computer Science:
- The Shapes of Computers Today
- Computer Organization
- Operating system
- Networking & The Internet
- Database Systems
- Computer Security
- Cloud Source Repositories (git/github)
- C/C++ Programming